Education for the future at Laude San Pedro International College
The world is evolving rapidly, and with it, the demands of the job market. According to the World Economic Forum, 80% of future jobs have yet to be created. In light of this, how can we prepare students for careers that do not yet exist? At Laude San Pedro International College, your international school in [...]
Year 10 Students Embark on Real-World Work Experience with Unwavering Parental Support
In a new initiative for Laude San Pedro, Year 10 Mastering English Pathway students (our EAL programme) were offered a unique opportunity to explore the world of work as part of their curriculum. This immersive experience, deeply enriched by the active involvement of the International Friends of Laude (IFL) parent group, involved crafting CVs, writing [...]
Becoming the Best for the World at San Pedro International College
As educators, our goal is to prepare our students as best as possible to ensure them a successful future. However, we know that we must not only commit to our students' academic development but also to their holistic development as individuals. From the ESO-Bachillerato department at LAUDE San Pedro, we aim to nurture not the [...]
“We see the confidence building in our kids.”
By Lacey, Mother of Rex and Axel There are many ways where I see School programmes building confidence in my children: from intra-class challenges in PE (creating confidence with classmates), to the guest handball, soccer and other sports' events (confidence in their school), to the talent show (confidence in themselves), the school community is [...]
Speaking with greater confidence
A few months ago, I was selected by the school to participate in an ISP TedX event, which involved me giving a speech to a large audience. The given topic was “Where confidence grows'', so I decided to talk about how leaving your comfort zone can build confidence. After a long preparation phase with the [...]
Building Confidence Through Sports in San Pedro International College
Embracing Individual Potential During the current academic year, the Laude San Pedro International College Physical Education (PE) department has undertaken a distinctive initiative, concentrating on instilling confidence among all students through competitive sports. This effort has centred around increased inclusion, with over 2000 more opportunities provided compared to the previous year for students to participate [...]
Laude Filmmakers
Laude Secondary students have taken part in this year´s ILOS Filmmakers programme, showcasing their script writing, acting and filming skills by making a short film with a moral message to enter into the ILOS Filmmakers competition. The film, titled ´Breaking Boundaries´ follows a main character who is having trouble settling into a new school. In [...]
Charity Gala Dinner in Laude San Pedro
As part of Laude San Pedro’s Year 12 Extended Curriculum Project, designed to develop further life competencies beyond the A Level classroom, a group of nine sixth formers have formed an “events and outreach” group meeting weekly with their teacher. They have surprised themselves on how over the year the challenge has made them grow [...]
Inter House Bake Off in Laude San Pedro
Are our Sixth Formers ready to live independently at University and cook for themselves? Feedback from alumni suggest many of our students are not prepared for this transition from the family home to halls of residence in College. We are lucky to have an amazing Food Tech Lab in our school and GCSE Food Technology [...]
Laude House System is back!
This year, Laude San Pedro has brought back the House System! North, South, East and West are our four wonderful teams which bring together students from diverse year groups, systems and ages. The purpose of this system is to do annual events to involve all students. As for this day, two house events have been [...]
Building Bridges: Community Snack Shack at Laude San Pedro
What better way to build relationships across parents, staff and sixth form than through great coffee, healthy smoothies, tasty snacks all from a community coffee truck! As part of the finishing touches to our Laude San Pedro new dining area we have been delighted to welcome our Snack Shack! After searching for suitable providers, [...]
Emotional intelligence books for infant and primary school children
Emotional intelligence books for children help to reinforce the emotional capacities of the youngest children. Through the books, they discover the importance of their own feelings, learn to identify them and manage them correctly. Here are some of the best books on emotional intelligence for children. What is emotional intelligence for children? Emotional intelligence in […]
Advantages and examples of gamification in infant education
The concept of gamification has been very present in our classrooms for several years. This educational proposal increases the motivation of students and achieves immediate results. The examples of gamification in infant education do not allow us to evaluate the results of this type of dynamics from the first academic years. At El Altillo International […]
Activities to develop children’s self-esteem
Children’s self-esteem is a fundamental aspect of a pupil’s education, from the earliest school years onwards. Self-esteem has been shown to influence a child’s learning and mental health, and a child with self-esteem is a potentially healthy adult. What is self-esteem? Self-esteem refers to the positive evaluation, perception or judgement that a person makes of […]
Social skills for children and learning
Social skills are part of learning during the first academic years. It is a fundamental part of emotional development, social skills for children should be worked on during the infant and primary school years, so that when they reach the adolescent stage, they are able to put into practice empathetic and assertive behaviour. At Laude […]
What is inclusive schooling?
What is inclusive schooling and what are its basic principles? The concept of inclusive schooling is increasingly present in schools. Determining what an inclusive school is and what its principles are is a first step, but it is necessary for schools to adapt to this type of teaching, establishing the necessary academic structures. At Laude […]
Learning English in summer during the holidays
Learning English in the summer is an opportunity to improve a child’s skills, however, we must bear in mind that the holiday months are a period of rest, so it is important that the learning methods are different. The importance of continuing to learn during the holidays Learning is based on a process of study […]
School motivation and its influence on academic performance
The concept of school motivation refers to a series of emotional aspects that are key in the student's academic results. School motivation is important from the first years of kindergarten to pre-university courses, if parents and teachers manage to encourage a positive attitude towards their own education, their academic performance will be better. At Laude [...]