Charity Gala Dinner in Laude San Pedro

As part of Laude San Pedro’s Year 12 Extended Curriculum Project, designed to develop further life competencies beyond the A Level classroom, a group of nine sixth formers have formed an “events and outreach” group meeting weekly with their teacher. They have surprised themselves on how over the year the challenge has made them grow in confidence, having never worked as a small fundraising group. 


What is the experience?

They are part of a team of students leading the organisation, planning and execution of  one or more key school events designed to support a chosen charity cause

What is the commitment?

They meet every Wednesday Period 7 in the school’s Boardroom and time dedicated between meetings to some allocated work

Who chooses the event and cause?

The students choose the cause and they decided to help the Asociacion en contra del cancer.

How do they work as a team?

They are assigned roles based on interest, skills, commitment etc. The team has

A chairperson (Ian)

A marketing and communications lead (Manuela and Vanessa)

A logistics or infrastructure person (Oliver)

A treasurer or finance person (Diego)

Catering and Landing Page leader (Mabelle)

Decoration, concept and designers (Lia and Anthony)

What skills and life competencies do they learn?

Leadership skills

Organisation and time management

Planning skills

Communication skills

Media, Digital and PR work

Collaboration and teamwork


The students have launched our charity gala dinner taking place on Saturday April 27th supported by staff and parent volunteers. The Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer is an amazing foundation whose purpose is to “relieve and avoid, to the extent possible, suffering in people caused by cancer, regardless of their place of residence and personal circumstances”. 


The evening will include a welcome cocktail in the new dining area and a very fancy dinner in a transformed gymnasium.  The team have confirmed a programme with Ms Guarneri & Mr Prentice of music & dance between courses of amazing food. 


Mabelle in Year 12, helped by the wider team, has selected an amazing catering company to put on the dinner. The students have selected the food choices and, along with fine wines and a cocktail bar, it promised to be an amazing evening. There will be a raffle and auction to ensure we raise thousands of euros for the cause.


Mabelle prepared a “landing page” to learn more about the whole event. The website continues to evolve as we add more details about the event during this week. 


In the critical next few weeks, the team of students are building support. Our teacher and parent group will meet every Wednesday at 4.30pm immediately following our student meeting to assist. Company sponsors for the event have already come forward to support. Diego in Year 12 is our financial director and he prepared the budget and business plan. 


Students have written reflections at the end of each half-term and as the year progresses, they have adapted, learned, grown in confidence and pushed themselves beyond their comfort zone. It takes courage and determination to pull of such an event and we hope the skills they have learned will help them in the world of work or college in the future.


We are proud of all nine students and we hope the events and outreach project will grow year on year.