Laude Filmmakers
Laude Secondary students have taken part in this year´s ILOS Filmmakers programme, showcasing their script writing, acting and filming skills by making a short film with a moral message to enter into the ILOS Filmmakers competition.
The film, titled ´Breaking Boundaries´ follows a main character who is having trouble settling into a new school. In the end, one character has the courage to stand up against her friends and do what is right to support the main character, leading to the others following her example. Laude students wanted to display the message of how important it is to have an inclusive environment in school and to show how standing up for what is right is not always easy, but is always the right choice.
The film showcases scenes from both inside Laude San Pedro as well as utilising San Pedro´s beautiful mountainous surroundings and coastline. Students from across all year groups were part of Laude Filmmakers and fully immersed themselves in the experience. They displayed and developed the life-long competencies of communication skills, teamwork and key digital skills that will equip them with the competencies needed to succeed in school projects and in their future careers.
The extra-curricular course was led by English teacher Mr Proctor, who held weekly meetings with students to help coordinate the filming and editing. With a busy curriculum, this was a challenge at times but the students always rose to this, fuelled by the excitement of filming scenes and having an input throughout. Most of all, Laude students were inspired by the knowledge that their project was going to compete against schools across the globe and be judged by film experts.
Students have submitted their final edit of ´Breaking Boundaries´ alongside a poster and trailer and are eagerly anticipating the ILOS Filmmakers awards ceremony which will be held in the summer term. Regardless of the outcome, our students should be proud of their efforts and achievements and some are already asking what next year´s ILOS Filmmakers project will entail.